Trent Taylor | FairPlay EP15 S2 | Dis-Qualified Immunity.
December 24 2021 | Imran Siddiqui | Justice News | Who Watches The Watchers? Especially when the so-called "Watchers" "Guards" are evil and mentally sick. So imagine you’re in prison for something that you did and you've been judged upon by the court system and you're in there paying the price of what you did. Fair enough. But what happens when while you're in there paying the price of the wrong that you did, you also get some extra benefits, like - Being Punched Beat Up Your Balls Getting Smacked With a Rod Leaving You Naked For a Couple of Days in Freezing Temperatures While You Sleep In Urine With Shit All Around You, on the Walls the Ceilings, the Floor - spread by A Hepatitis C Patient. Why? Well, because they want to teach you a lesson, punish you so badly that you never forget it. Yes. Trent won't forget it. Continue on The JBlog - FairPlay.December 24 2021 | Imran Siddiqui | Justice News |
Who Watches The Watchers?
Especially when the so-called "Watchers" "Guards" are evil and mentally sick.
So imagine you’re in prison for something that you did and you've been judged upon by the court system and you're in there paying the price of what you did. Fair enough. But what happens when while you're in there paying the price of the wrong that you did, you also get some extra benefits, like -
Being Punched
Beat Up
Your Balls Getting Smacked With a Rod
Leaving You Naked For a Couple of Days in Freezing Temperatures While You Sleep In Urine
With Shit All Around You, on the Walls the Ceilings, the Floor - spread by A Hepatitis C Patient.
Well, because they want to teach you a lesson, punish you so badly that you never forget it.
Yes. Trent won't forget it.